The best clinic for Liver Tests is In House Diagnostic And Surgical Centre. The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is located on the right side of the abdomen. The liver is a vital organ that performs a variety of functions such as protein and blood clotting factor production, triglyceride and cholesterol production, glycogen synthesis, and bile production. Many diseases can directly or indirectly affect the liver as a result of the disease of another organ. Liver function tests are blood tests that measure the levels of proteins, liver enzymes, and bilirubin in the blood in order to determine the liver's health. To eliminate the possibility of infection caused by microorganisms on the skin, the practitioner will first clean your skin. They'll wrap an elastic strap around your arm to expose your veins and take a blood sample. If you become dizzy during the blood draw, you should rest before leaving the testing facility. Following the test, the doctor may advise further testing for hepatitis, other infections, or diseases that can affect the liver. They may also recommend an ultrasound, CT scan, or liver biopsy to rule out fibrosis, fatty liver disease, or other liver problems.